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'Juno, welcome to Jupiter'

Written By CCMdijitali on Wednesday, July 6, 2016 | July 06, 2016

'Juno, welcome to Jupiter': Nasa probe makes history as it enters into gas giant's orbit after epic 1.8 BILLION mile journey
  •  Nasa probe finally reached the gas giant early this morning after a five-year, 1.8 billion-mile journey from Earth

  •  The spacecraft successfully carried out a braking manoeuvre enabling it to drop into a wide orbit around Jupiter

  •  Unlocking how the planet formed may help us to understand how Earth and the rest of the solar system developed

By Ryan O'hare and Ellie Zolfagharifard for MailOnline

The solar-powered spacecraft which left Earth five years ago has made history by entering into Jupiter's orbit.

Nasa's Juno probe fired its main rocket engine at 4.18 am BST (11.18pm ET), slowing itself down from a speed of 165,000 mph (265,000 kph) enough to drop into a sweeping orbit around the planet.

With Juno on autopilot, the delicately choreographed move came without any help from ground controllers, so the spacecraft's mission control erupted with cheering and applause when the orbit was confirmed at 4:53 am BST (11.53pm ET).

 Nasa's Juno spacecraft (pictured, a graphic representation) fired its main rocket engine earlier today, slowing itself down from a speed of 165,000 mph to drop into Jupiter's orbit


With Juno now safely in Jupiter's orbit, the probe will need to turn its main antenna back towards Earth to communicate.

All of the scientific instruments, sensors and cameras taken offline in the approach will be switched back on in the coming days.

But mission scientists at Nasa have said it's unlikely we will not receive any high definition images for a month or longer until the probe gets situated.

'The first super close images will come out sometime in a month or two,' said Dr Jared Espley, program scientist for Juno.

He told MailOnline: 'The first couple of orbits are really long, so it will be a month or two before we're able to get those first high resolution pictures back.'

Nasa planned the probe to enter into a sweeping elliptical orbit initially, but a second rocket boost planned for October will tighten Juno's path and shorten the orbital time from 53 days down to 14 – at which point the bulk of the science can be carried out. 
 The mission's chief scientist, Scott Bolton, congratulated the team, saying 'you've just done the hardest thing Nasa's ever done' as the technicians and scientists celebrated completing the complex approach procedure.

Juno will peer through the swirling clouds in the planet's upper atmosphere and map the interior from a unique vantage point above the poles.

During its mission of exploration, the probe will circle the Jovian world 37 times, soaring low over the planet's cloud tops. Scientists will for the first time be able to see what lies beneath Jupiter's atmosphere, and help unlock secrets about how the solar system formed.

Among the lingering questions are how much water exists? Is there a solid core? And why are Jupiter's southern and northern lights the brightest in the solar system?

There is also the mystery of its Great Red Spot. Recent observations by the Hubble Space Telescope revealed the centuries-old monster storm in Jupiter's atmosphere is shrinking.

The spacecraft will end its mission in 2018 when it takes a swan dive into Jupiter's atmosphere and disintegrates — a necessary sacrifice to prevent any chance of accidentally crashing into the planet's potentially habitable moons.

Speaking to MailOnline ahead of this morning's braking manoeuvre, Dr Jared Espley, program scientist for Juno at Nasa, said: 'It's a very unusual time in the life of a scientists or engineer when these big events happen, because you genuinely feel a connection to a big event, a bigger part.

'It's something that as a space agency we're super excited to do, but as a government we're happy to have this opportunity to do the science.

'You feel that you're representing your country but that you're also representing humanity, this is the spacecraft that we have sent to another planet and it's just remarkable that we as a species have the capability and the desire to understand what's going on with other planets outside of our own.'

Juno is currently travelling through a hostile radiation environment, 'but it should be able to withstand it,' said Kenny Starnes, programme manager for Lockheed Martin, which built the spacecraft.

The probe's camera and other instruments were switched off for the arrival so there won't be any pictures at the moment the spacecraft reaches its destination. Scientists have promised close-up views of Jupiter when Juno skims the cloud tops during the 20-month, $1.1 billion (£828m) mission, with a public vote on areas to focus on.

 A jubilant Scott Bolton, Juno mission's principal investigator, gives the thumbs up at a Nasa briefing this morning at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. The spacecraft successfully dropped into the desired orbit around Jupiter's at around 4.53 am BST

 Scientists are using the Hubble Space Telescope to watch Jupiter's aurora (pictured) for more than a month in the hope of trying to unravel what causes these enormous light shows. The ultraviolet and X-ray aurora on Jupiter occur continuously on the giant planet and are the size of the entire planet Earth

  Juno is in a harsh radiation environment, so its delicate electronics are housed in a special titanium vault. Eventually, Juno will succumb to the intense radiation and will be commanded to plunge into Jupiter's atmosphere to avoid any collision with the planet's moons. Pictured is a 1/5 scale model size of the solar-powered Juno spacecraft

The Juno team spoke to the press following the spacecraft's successful orbit insertion this morning. Pictured from left to right: Geoff Yoder, Diane Brown, Scott Bolton, Rick Nybakken, Guy Beutelschies, and Steve Levin

  Jim Green (left) celebrates with Scott Bolton in Mission Control at Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory as the solar-powered Juno spacecraft goes into orbit around Jupiter

The Juno probe reached Jupiter at 4.18 am GMT this morning after a five-year, 1.8 billion-mile journey from Earth.

Following a successful braking manoeuvre, it has now entered into a long polar orbit flying to within 3,100 miles (5,000 km) of the planet's swirling cloud tops. The probe will skim to within just 4,200 km of the planet's clouds once a fortnight - too close to provide global coverage in a single image.

No previous spacecraft has orbited so close to Jupiter, although two others have been sent plunging to their destruction through its atmosphere.

To complete its risky mission Juno will have to survive a circuit-frying radiation storm generated by Jupiter's powerful magnetic field. The maelstrom of high energy particles travelling at nearly the speed of light is the harshest radiation environment in the Solar System.

To cope with the conditions, the spacecraft is protected with special radiation-hardened wiring and sensor shielding.

Its all-important 'brain' - the spacecraft's flight computer - is housed in an armoured vault made of titanium and weighing almost 400 pounds (172kg).

The Earth-based observations supplement the suite of advanced instrumentation on the Juno spacecraft, filling in the gaps in Juno's spectral coverage and providing the wider global and temporal context to Juno's close-in observations.

Juno was launched on 5 August, 2011. During more than 30 orbital flybys of the Jovian world, it will probe beneath the obscuring ammonia and hydrogen sulfide cloud cover and study the auroras to learn more about the planet's origins, structure, atmosphere and magnetosphere.

Juno's name comes from Greek and Roman mythology. Jupiter, the father of the Roman gods, drew a veil of clouds around himself to hide his mischief. But his wife - the goddess Juno - was able to peer through the clouds and reveal Jupiter's true nature.

The fifth planet from the sun and the heftiest in the solar system, Jupiter is known as a gas giant — a ball of mainly hydrogen and helium — unlike rocky Earth and Mars. But scientists still don't know exactly what lies at its centre, or whether it formed within its current orbit, or migrated from elsewhere in the solar system.

With its billowy clouds and colourful stripes, Jupiter is an extreme world that likely formed first, shortly after the sun. Unlocking its history may hold clues to understanding how Earth and the rest of the solar system developed.

Named after the Roman god Jupiter's cloud-piercing wife, Juno is only the second mission designed to spend time at Jupiter.

Galileo, which launched in 1989, circled Jupiter for 14 years, beaming back splendid views of the planet and its numerous moons. It uncovered signs of an ocean beneath the icy surface of Europa, considered a top target in the search for life outside Earth.

The trek to Jupiter, spanning nearly five years and 1.8 billion miles (2.8 billion kilometres), took Juno on a tour of the inner solar system followed by a swing past Earth that catapulted it beyond the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

 Another tweet from the probe's account thanked mission control for the guidance, before hinting at the science to come

 Interplanetary stowaways: Along with the scientific instruments Juno is also carrying three tiny passengers in the form of Lego figures, made from spacecraft-grade Aluminium. The three models include models of the god Jupiter, his wife and mission namesake the goddess Juno, and astronomer Galileo

 Juno launched in 2011. This image shows an Atlas V rocket carrying the Juno spacecraft lifts off from Space Launch Complex-41 in Cape Canaveral, Florida. It was the first step in Juno's 1.8 billion-mile voyage to the gas giant planet, Jupiter


— 1.8 billion miles (2.8 billion kilometres)

That's the total distance travelled from launch to arrival. Juno's journey wasn't a straight shot. Because the rocket that carried Juno wasn't powerful enough to boost it directly to Jupiter, it took a longer route. It looped around the inner solar system and then swung by Earth, using our planet as a gravity slingshot to hurtle toward the outer solar system.

— 3,100 miles (5,000 kilometres)

That's how close Juno will fly to Jupiter's cloud tops. It will pass over the poles a total of 37 times during the mission on a path that avoids the most intense radiation, before it plunges into the planet's atmosphere.

— 48 minutes, 19 seconds

That's the time it takes for radio signals from Jupiter to reach Earth. During the encounter, Juno will fire its main engine for about a half hour to slow down. By the time ground controllers receive word that it started, the engine burn would have been completed, and if all goes as planned, Juno would be in orbit.

— 20 months

That's how long the mission will last. Because Juno is in a harsh radiation environment, its delicate electronics are housed in a special titanium vault. Eventually, Juno will succumb to the intense radiation and will be commanded to plunge into Jupiter's atmosphere to avoid any collision with the planet's moons.

— Nine

Juno carries a suite of nine instruments to explore Jupiter from its interior to its atmosphere. It will map Jupiter's gravity and magnetic fields and track how much water is in the atmosphere. Its colour camera dubbed JunoCam will snap close-ups of Jupiter's swirling clouds, polar regions and shimmering southern and northern lights.

— Three

Three massive solar wings extend from Juno, making it the most distant solar-powered spacecraft. The panels can generate 500 watts of electricity, enough to power the instruments

Along the way, Juno became the first spacecraft to cruise this far out powered by the sun, beating Europe's comet-chasing Rosetta spacecraft. A trio of massive solar wings sticks out from Juno like blades from a windmill, generating 500 watts of power to run its nine instruments.

Plans called for Juno to swoop within 3,100 miles (5,000 kilometres) of Jupiter's clouds — closer than previous missions — to map the planet's gravity and magnetic fields.

Juno is an armoured spacecraft — its computer and electronics are locked in a titanium vault to shield them from harmful radiation. Even so, Juno is expected to get blasted with radiation equal to more than 100 million dental X-rays during the mission.

Last week, stunning new images and the highest-resolution maps of Jupiter at thermal infrared wavelengths showed a glowing view of Juno's target, a week ahead of the Nasa mission's arrival at the giant planet.

The maps reveal the present-day temperatures, composition and cloud coverage within Jupiter's dynamic atmosphere, and show how giant storms, vortices and wave patterns shape the appearance of the giant planet.

The high-resolution maps and images were created from observations with the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile, using a newly-upgraded thermal imager called VISIR.

This left composite image of photographs made by Cassini on December 29, 2000 shows the Jupiter. The Great Red Spot, a fierce storm larger than Earth, can be seen. In recent years, it has been mysteriously shrinking. The right image shows a close up view of the region

 Jupiter on fire! In preparation for the imminent arrival of the Juno spacecraft, astronomers used ESO's Very Large Telescope to obtain spectacular new infrared images of Jupiter using the VISIR instrument. This false-colour image was created by selecting and combining the best images obtained from many short VISIR exposures at a wavelength of 5 micrometers



Like the sun, Jupiter is a ball of mostly hydrogen and helium. It was probably the first planet to form. Jupiter is 11 times wider than Earth and with 300 times the mass. Juno will hunt for water in Jupiter's atmosphere, which may help explain how Earth got its water. Previous spacecraft found only a trace amount in Jupiter's atmosphere, but scientists think they didn't look deep enough. Juno carries an instrument that can pierce through thick clouds to measure the water content.

Great red spot

A world of swirling clouds and colourful stripes, Jupiter's most prominent feature is the Great Red Spot, a fierce storm in the atmosphere larger than Earth that has lasted for centuries. In recent years, the spot has been mysteriously shrinking. Once an oval about 25,500 miles wide (41,036 kilometres) in the late 1880s, the spot shrank to its smallest observed size in 2014 — the shape of a circle about 10,250 miles across (16,495 kilometres). Juno will study how deep into the atmosphere the Great Red Spot extends in an effort to understand what may happen next to Jupiter's trademark.


Earth's dazzling southern and northern lights are dim compared to Jupiter's auroras, the brightest in the solar system. Earth's polar lights are triggered by solar storms, which occur when a cloud of gas from the sun slams into the planet's magnetic field.

Jupiter's powerful auroras are sparked by the planet's own rotation. Jupiter is the fastest-spinning planet in the solar system, taking just 10 hours to complete a rotation.
As Jupiter spins, it drags its magnetic field around with it. Juno will observe the light show and learn about the driving forces behind it.

Polar regions

The first peek of Jupiter's poles came in 1974 when Pioneer 11 flew by en route to Saturn. Juno will get a more detailed look by passing over Jupiter's polar regions.

During the next year, the spacecraft will circle Jupiter 37 times from pole to pole — a path that will cover the whole planet. At its closest approach, Juno will skim within 3,100 miles (5,000 kilometres) of Jupiter's cloud tops.

The observations were taken between February and June 2016 to characterise Jupiter's atmosphere ahead of Juno's arrival.

'We used a technique called 'lucky imaging', whereby individual sharp frames are extracted from short movies of Jupiter to 'freeze' the turbulent motions of our own atmosphere, to create a stunning new image of Jupiter's cloud layers,' said Dr Leigh Fletcher of the University of Leicester.

'At this wavelength, Jupiter's clouds appear in silhouette against the deep internal glows of the planet.

'Images of this quality will provide the global context for Juno's close-up views of the planet at the same wavelength.'

Dr Fletcher and his team have also used the TEXES spectrograph on NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) in Hawaii regularly to map Jupiter's changing appearance.

The team made observations at many different wavelengths, optimised for different features and cloud layers in Jupiter's atmosphere, to create the first global spectral maps of Jupiter taken from Earth.

'These maps will help set the scene for what Juno will witness in the coming months.

'We have seen new weather phenomena that have been active on Jupiter throughout 2016.

 Juno carries a suite of nine instruments to explore Jupiter from its interior to its atmosphere. It will map Jupiter's gravity and magnetic fields and track how much water is in the atmosphere

 This view compares a lucky imaging view of Jupiter from VISIR (left) at infrared wavelengths with a very sharp amateur image in visible light from about the same time (right)

 Jupiter's powerful magnetosphere extends up to two million miles into the space around the planet (illustrated) and is thought to be responsible for sending charged particles in the space around it hurtling at high speeds towards the poles

 The huge aurora on Jupiter (pictured) are thought to be caused by solar particles and volcanic debris in the space around the giant planet being accelerated towards the poles by its powerful magnetic field

Hitching a ride on Juno are three 1.5-inch Lego figures depicting the 17th century Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei, the Roman god Jupiter, and the deity's wife Juno - all made from aluminium to withstand the Jupiter's harsh environment.

By drawing attention to these Lego characters, Nasa aims to inspire the next generation of spacecraft engineers by encouraging children to explore subjects such as science and technology.

But they are on a suicide mission. Juno, along with its three passengers, meets its demise in 2018 when it deliberately dives into Jupiter's atmosphere and disintegrates — a necessary sacrifice to prevent any chance of accidentally crashing into the planet's potentially habitable moons.

These include a widening of one of the brown belts just north of the equator, which has spawned wave patterns throughout the northern hemisphere, both in the cloud layers and high above in the planet's stratosphere,' said Dr Fletcher from the University of Leicester's Department of Physics and Astronomy.

'Observations at different wavelengths across the infrared spectrum allow us to piece together a three dimensional picture of how energy and material are transported upwards through the atmosphere.'

Both sets of observations were made as part of a campaign using several telescopes in Hawaii and Chile, as well as contributions from amateur astronomers around the world, to understand Jupiter's climate ahead of Juno's arrival.

The ground-based campaign in support of Juno is led by Dr Glenn Orton of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Once in orbit around Jupiter, Juno will skim to within just 3,100 miles (5,000 km) above Jupiter's clouds once a fortnight - too close to provide global coverage in a single image.

The Earth-based observations supplement the suite of advanced instrumentation on the Juno spacecraft, filling in the gaps in Juno's spectral coverage and providing the wider global and temporal context to Juno's close-in observations.

'The combined efforts of an international team of amateur and professional astronomers have provided us with an incredibly rich dataset over the past eight months,' said Dr Orton.

'Together with the new results from Juno, this dataset will allow researchers to characterise Jupiter's global thermal structure, cloud cover and distribution of gaseous species.

 False color images generated from VLT observations in February and March 2016, showing two different faces of Jupiter. The bluer areas are cold and cloud-free, the orange areas are warm and cloudy, more colorless bright regions are warm and cloud-free, and dark regions are cold and cloudy (such as the Great Red Spot and the prominent ovals). The wave pattern over the North Equatorial Band shows up in orange.

We can then hope to answer questions like what drives Jupiter's atmospheric changes, and how the weather we see is connected to processes hidden deep within the planet.'

No previous spacecraft has orbited so close to Jupiter, although two others have been sent plunging to their destruction through its atmosphere. To complete its risky mission Juno will have to survive a circuit-frying radiation storm generated by Jupiter's powerful magnetic field.

The maelstrom of high energy particles travelling at nearly the speed of light is one of the harshest radiation environments in the Solar System.

To cope with the conditions, Juno is protected with special radiation-hardened wiring and sensor shielding and its all-important 'brain' - the spacecraft's flight computer - is housed in an armoured vault made of titanium and weighing almost 400 pounds (172kg).

Dr Scott Bolton, Juno's principal investigator from Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, US, said: 'We are not looking for trouble, we are looking for data.

'Problem is, at Jupiter, looking for the kind of data Juno is looking for, you have to go in the kind of neighbourhoods where you could find trouble pretty quick.'

Juno will study Jupiter's composition, gravitational and magnetic field, and search for clues about the planet's formation and the source of its raging winds, which can reach speeds of 384 mph (618 kph).

It will also deliver stunning colour photos via its JunoCam camera, which has a wide field of view geared for panoramic images.

Jupiter's auroras were first discovered by the Voyager 1 spacecraft in 1979.

A thin ring of light on Jupiter's nightside looked like a stretched-out version of our own auroras on Earth.

But later, astronomers discovered the auroras were best visible in the ultraviolet. Scientists also discovered the planet has X-ray aurora too.

Jupiter's aurora are larger than our entire planet and unlike those on Earth, occur almost continuously.

This suggests that the mechanism causing this light show is different from that on Earth.

While Earth's Northern and Southern lights are triggered by energetic particles from the sun slamming into gas atoms high in the atmosphere, Jupiter appears to have another source.

Scientists believe its powerful magnetic field accellerates charged particles from the space around it towards its poles, to cause similar interactions.

The volcanic moon Io spews oxygen and sulfur ions into Jupiter's spinning magnetic field, which sends them hurtling towards the planet below.

Upon entering the atmosphere, their electrons are first stripped away by molecules they run into, but as they slow down they start grabbing electrons back. The 'charge exchange reaction' produces intense X-ray auroras.

Yet scientists have been baffled as to how Jupiter's magnetic field accelerates these particles.

To provide electrical power, the spacecraft carries three huge solar panels, each 29ft long and almost 9ft wide.

The previous record for a close approach to Jupiter was set by the American space agency Nasa's Pioneer 11 spacecraft which passed by the planet at a distance of 27,000 miles (43,000 km) in 1974.

Only one previous spacecraft, Galileo, which visited Jupiter and its moons from 1995 to 2003, has orbited the planet.

Galileo made wide orbits at distances of hundreds of thousands of kilometres that kept it out of serious danger from the radiation, although it suffered a number of technical 'anomalies'.

The spacecraft sent a small probe on a one-way trip through the clouds of Jupiter, and was eventually itself crashed onto the planet at the end of its mission.

As a further safeguard, Juno is programmed to follow a long orbital path that avoids Jupiter's radiation belts as much as possible.

Despite these measures, the probe is not expected to last much longer than its planned lifespan of 20 months. At the end of he mission, Nasa plans to send the probe headlong into the Jovian atmosphere to collect as much data as possible.

Nasa's New Frontiers programme of robotic space missions which last year saw the New Horizons probe obtain close up views of dwarf planet Pluto

Chief radiation monitoring investigator Heidi Becker, from Nasa's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said: 'Over the course of the mission, the highest energy electrons will penetrate the vault, creating a spray of secondary photons and particles.

'The constant bombardment will break the atomic bonds in Juno's electronics.'

A plaque dedicated to Galileo and provided by the Italian Space Agency is also on board.

Measuring 2.8 ins (7.1 cm) across, it shows a portrait of Galileo and a text penned by the astronomer in January 1610 while observing Jupiter's four largest moons - later to be known as the Galilean moons.

Juno was launched into space by an Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on August 5, 2011.

The mission is part of Nasa's New Frontiers programme of robotic space missions which last year saw the New Horizons spacecraft obtain close up views of dwarf planet Pluto.
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